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food, shelter, and medical doctors

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Q: What are some modern day needs in Africa?
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What are some of the problems and needs of modern day Africa?

there is not enough food. There is sickness with too little medicine. There is heavy crime.

What were some of the problems and needs of modern day Africa?

Africa has many problems and areas of need. Some examples of problems today are; poverty porn, international aid, international media, and the lack of leadership education.

Kush was located in modern day Europe?

no it was located in Africa

What is a place in Africa that was not a colony of Greece?

Modern-day Namibia.

What is famine like in modern day Africa?

it has not so stop asking

What part of the world did the Australopithecus Africanus live in?

Australopithecus africanus lived in southern Africa, specifically in areas that are now modern-day countries of South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia.

What was the Phoenician city state on the coast of Africa?

Carthage, in modern-day Tunisia.

Namibia what is the modern day name for it?

Namibia IS the name of a country in Africa. That IS the current name.

What countries have modern day dictatorships?

There are actually a lot. The majority are in Africa and the Middle East.

Is siesta relevant to the modern day Filipino?

Yes. The modern day Filipino needs siesta. It's just that they may not have time to do it because of their hectic schedule.

Which three modern day countries did great Zimbabwe develop in?

Zimbabwe, Mozambique and South Africa.

What colony did King Leopold II establish in Africa?

Modern day Zaire.