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Africa's developing cities expressed a strong demand for labor. In response, rural populations migrated heavily into the developing urban bastions of progress.

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Q: What are the factors that lead to rural urban migration?
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How does urban growth occur?

Urban growth occurs through various factors such as population increase, rural-to-urban migration, and industrialization. As more people move to cities in search of better opportunities, the urban areas expand to accommodate the growing population. This can lead to the development of more housing, infrastructure, and services to support the needs of the residents.

Negative effect on rural urban migration in the village in Ghana?

Urban-to-rural migration, also known as rural-urban migration, can have several negative effects on rural villages in Ghana, as well as in many other countries. Here are some of the potential negative impacts: Population Pressure: A sudden influx of migrants can put pressure on the existing population and local resources in rural villages. This can lead to increased competition for jobs, land, and basic services. Strain on Infrastructure: Rural villages may not have the infrastructure to support an increased population. This can result in overcrowding, inadequate housing, and overburdened public services such as schools and healthcare facilities. Rising Land and Housing Costs: The demand for land and housing in rural areas may increase due to migration, causing property prices to rise. This can make it difficult for local residents to afford land and housing. Cultural Clash: Migrants from urban areas may have different lifestyles, values, and expectations compared to rural residents. This cultural clash can sometimes lead to social tensions and conflicts within the community. Environmental Impact: An increase in population can put additional stress on the environment, leading to issues like deforestation, land degradation, and increased pollution. Pressure on Social Services: Rural areas may struggle to provide essential social services such as healthcare and education to an expanding population. This can result in inadequate access to these services for both migrants and existing residents. Loss of Agricultural Labor: In rural areas, agriculture is often a primary source of livelihood. When young people migrate to urban areas, there may be a shortage of agricultural labor, which can affect food production and the local economy. Remittance Dependency: Some migrants may send remittances back to their rural families, which can create dependency on this source of income and discourage local economic development efforts. Youth Drain: Rural villages may experience a "youth drain" as young people migrate to cities in search of better opportunities. This can result in an aging population in rural areas, which may have implications for community vitality. It's important to note that the impact of rural-urban migration can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each village and the policies in place to address the challenges. While there are potential negative effects, it's also possible for migration to bring positive changes to rural areas, such as the transfer of skills, knowledge, and remittances from migrants. Efforts to manage and mitigate the negative effects of migration on rural villages often involve policies that support rural development, improve infrastructure, and provide opportunities for education and job creation locally. Additionally, promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation can help address some of the challenges associated with rural-urban migration. Rural Development:

What do you call the situation wherein people leave large cities and move to smaller towns and rural areas?

This situation is commonly referred to as "urban exodus" which is the mass migration of people away from large cities and towards smaller towns and rural areas. It is often caused by a number of different factors such as a lack of affordable housing in urban areas higher taxes higher costs of living and better job opportunities in smaller towns and rural areas. People may also be seeking a slower pace of life or a closer connection to nature. The effects of urban exodus can be both positive and negative. On the one hand it can help to revitalize rural areas and smaller towns bringing in new jobs and investments. On the other hand it can lead to greater inequality between urban and rural areas with cities losing out on resources talent and tax revenue.

What causes urbanization in South Africa?

Urbanisation happended in the 1900s onwards in MEDCs like the USA and UK. It started with the Industrial Revolution, where factories attracted a lot of workers to move nearby. These workers required houses and services (schoold, doctors, shops) and so urban settlements began to grow. As people became wealthier adn more mobile they started to move to the suburbs (suburbanisation) and eventually to the rural urban fringe (counter urbanisation). However, urbanisation is still occurring in LEDCs like Brazil and India. This is due to massive rural to urban migration, where people move to the cities to escape the serious rural poverty that exists in countryside areas. This has lead to a huge increase in urban populations in LEDCs and has lead to the development of shanty towns in such areas.

What is the impact to sending area of intra urban migration?

Intra-urban migration can lead to overcrowding, strain on infrastructure and services, increased competition for housing, and potential gentrification in the sending areas. This may result in higher living costs and displacement of longstanding residents. It could also lead to a decrease in community cohesion and social ties in the sending areas.

What are Raven steins two laws for distance in relation of migrants?

Ravenstein's "laws of migration" include two main principles: 1) Most migrants move short distances that lead to nearby destinations rather than long distances; 2) People tend to migrate to urban areas rather than rural areas. These laws help explain patterns of migration and settlement across regions.

What are the economic factors that lead growth in Lagos Nigeria?

Geographic factors such as the Gulf of Guinea and Lagos Lagoon have lead to urban growth. Lagos Lagoon makes a perfect harbor for trade and cultural interaction which leads to industrialization. Industrailization leads to urban development and economic growth. APEX

How did the industrial revolution affect rural areas?

More factory jobs in urban locations became available. The pay for these jobs was relatively high compared to farm jobs. This lead to many people leaving rural areas and relocating to cities.

How do you think patterns of land use might lead to cultural differences between urban areas and rural farming areas?

urban areas is very populated with more buildingsrural farming is less populated with more farmsand less buildings

What is the impact of urbanization on rural land use?

Urbanization can lead to increased pressure on rural land for development and infrastructure. This can result in the conversion of agricultural land to urban use, leading to reduced agricultural productivity and loss of natural habitats. It can also impact rural communities by influencing their social and economic dynamics.

What are the geographic factor that have lead to growth in Lagos?

Geographic factors such as the Gulf of Guinea and Lagos Lagoon have lead to urban growth. Lagos Lagoon makes a perfect harbor for trade and cultural interaction which leads to industrialization. Industrailization leads to urban development and economic growth. APEX

What did less racism in the north lead to?

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