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I'm going off the top of my we go. (Please bear with me if I forget something important lol.)

1600 time frame

US: Roanoke Colony goes MIA, some years later you had Plymouth and then Jamestown. (There were 2 of these actually...)

Everything else: The Foundation of the East India Company took place in 1600, it was the largest, most powerful company the world has ever seen.

In 1603, James VI of Scotland was crowned James I of England. James was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley. He was the first king to rule over Scotland and England. James’s reign saw the publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible. (The King James Version).

1605: The Gunpowder Plot, aka the Gunpowder Treason Plot, or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed attempt to blow up Parliament and assassinate King James I by a group of Catholics, they were led by Robert Catesby.

Charlemagne's reign was winding down...but, the Palatine region in Central Europe wasn't doing too hott. The secular princeps appointed by the Holy Roman Emperor were battling each other, leading to thousands of people leaving the region. These people went to England first, then on to America as refugees. (This was the Thirty Years' War, 1618–1648.)

This was also the time of the English Civil War, 1642–1649 and the Age of Science. The Age of Absolutism, epitomized by Louis XIV, "Sun King"

(Louis XIV Bourbon of France rose to power in 1643.)

Stuart Dynasty begins in England, starting with James I and resulting in Glorious Revolution. (Tudor Dynasty was replaced here.) Elizabeth died childless.


US: Mercantilism leads to the colonization of America...and the British finally established their own royal colonies in the New World. The Boston Massacre and the Tea Party ultimately led to the Revolution, in part because the colonists were over it...and in part because of all the taxes they had to pay without representation in Parliament. A man named Crispus Atticus was killed by Redcoats during one of the altercations, and that started us out on our road to Revolution.

1776 is when we were taught, but it wasn't until 1789 that the Constitution was ratified. (I think lol).

Everywhere Else: The French had enough of the "Sun King's" heir and wanted a change. ..and the monarchy was in debt because they helped in America's fight. [They helped in Yorktown (with a ton of ships, supplies, and backup.)].

In 1789, July, the Bastille in France was stormed by the lower classes, who were upset and starving...and the Reign of Terror began, led by Robespierre and the Jacobins. Over 30,000 people were guillotined in a 2 yr time period, including Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV.

1760 – 1820: Reign of George III. The grandson of George II and the first English-born and English-speaking monarch since Queen Anne. During his reign, Britain lost its American colonies but emerged as a leading world power.


1800: Napoleon becomes First Consul of France; Napoleon begins his Italian Campaign.

1803: The Louisiana Purchase

The War of 1812

1815: Battle of Waterloo; Napoleon with his French Imperial Guard, is defeated by Britain and her allies. The Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, inflicted an overwhelming defeat on Napoleon, but the victory cost him a staggering number of lives.

Trail of Tears and the Treaty of Indian Springs; Chief Mackintosh ceded the Creek land without permission of the other elders, and he was killed for it. .

1836: United States. The Alamo in Texas. (War with Mexico, led by Santa Anna.)

1861 to 1865 The civil war

I hope this helps some.

Don't forget to mention gunpowder in 1600s and before in China. Also, Ghandi and all the parts in Asia and russia. I don't study that particular part history genre.

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