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An eyewitness account from a prisoner at the bastille.

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Q: What are the primary sources for the french revolution?
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Primary sources are ones that were there during the time. The examples of these from the Industrial Revolution would include journals, newspapers, and even employment papers of that time.

Does anyone have any sources that will help your on your European History essay on the french revolution?

One of the best sources for an essay on the French Revolution for your European History class is The First Total War by David Bell.

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Pictures of a televisiontime-linesquotesblue printsdiarys

A primary cause of the french revolution in 1789 was the?

rise to power of napoleon bonaparte

What Primary causes of the French revolution in 1789 was the?

increasing dissatisfaction of the third estate

What was A primary cause of the french revolution in 1789 was the?

increasing dissatisfaction of the third estate

How did natural rights influence the french revolution?

Natural rights where the main idea in the "declaration of the rights of man," the primary political document used during the french revolution.

A major event in the French Revolution happened on July 14 1789 when a mob stormed the Bastille a notorious prison in Paris. How can historians today use primary sources to determine that this date is?

Read French letters from the 1700s and search for references to the event's date.

What was the primary reason for the French aid during the American Revolution?

The French appreciated the problems that the Americans were causing to their enemy, the British.

What are the characteristics of the french revolution?

Education which caused so long preserved of the family and the Church was taken over by the Republican State. Secondly Education was turn into duty for all citizens.

What items in the list are primary sources a historian could use to contextualize why a political revolution occurred in Egypt in 2011?

I and IV

Are carnivores primary sources?

no carnivores are not primary sources