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England alone did not become the first industrialized nation although Great Britain of which it is part did. The first of the British nations where more than 50% of the population worked in industry was actually thought to be Wales. Wales had a very small population before industrialization which grew dramatically during due to the coal in the South.

Before industrialization (about 1780 onwards) Britain was a - the even the - leading trading country of the time; it was capitalist (despite some latter-day 'feudal' flummery) and it had the main Natural Resources required at the time - coal and iron ore. Britain was also free from internal customs barriers and constituted a large and relatively domestic market. Britain also had the advantage of being in Western Europe, on the Atlantic seaboard.

Britain has a long intended coast line. intended coast line means the sea coast which deeply penetrated into the land. So it was easy for them to go to other places, to conquer places and easy for them to get raw materials from other continents like Asia and Africa.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

England / Great-Britain / the-United-Kingdom was the first country to experience the Industrial Revolution. It was able to do this because able Scotsmen like Mr. Watt developed the Steam-Engine.

A simple answer to the first question might be that Coal-Mining was the first industry to be industrialized (through the introduction of Steam-Power), but a more accurate answer might be that there was no single FIRST industry, but rather their inter-connected development that constitutes the Industrial Revolution:

Steam Engines needed Coal (obtained in greater quantities by improved mining techniques). Coal mines filled with seeping water, and needed to be drained (by improved pumps). Pumps needed to be powered (by improved steam engines). Steam-power was sold to millers and weavers, freeing them from the limitations of water-power. Additional weaving drove the demand for improved looms and other machines. Pumps and Steam-engines drove improvements in Machining-Technologies to make them. Better Machining capabilities made it easier to create other advanced machines. More and better coal improved smelting and led towards better grades of Steel, which was then turned into better grades of machines. Machines were localized in factories. Factories needed employees and wool, so many people were driven from the country-side to work in factories, making fabric from the wool of the sheep that now lived where the people used to. The needs of the sheep drove the development of Animal Husbandry as a Science. Engineering drives Math drives Science drives Engineering. Each new development could allow several other unintended developments.

England's partial geographic isolation, and its growing population, meant that the growth of cities could proceed. Natural resources, such as coal and iron, could be exploited, and the agricultural revolution provided an abundance of food. The ready supply of cheap labor aided the development of industries and the rise of factory production of goods.

In short, England was well-prepared to participate in the technological advancements in energy, materials, and transportation. Colonialism provided both more raw materials and new markets for English goods.

Something in he English atmosphere just seems to encourage creative invention - a questioning attitude.
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βˆ™ 12y ago

England Was the first to industrialize beacause it had the natural resources to do it. It had many coal deposits back then. They also had steel and iron. They used the coal to smelt the iron and steel. Coal was also used to power steam engines, and machinery. It was much more efficient than the putting-out system, also known as the "cottage industry". I hope that this helps.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

James Watt invented the steam engine

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