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China's government is secretive and harsh. They execute people for not believing in what they do. They block the internet and email, also they sensor phone calls because they don't want their people to know how good the rest of the world is. The government is communist. They don't give people freedom of speech.

WTF MAN they DON'T do that -_- well im not from china but WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY KILL PEOPLE JUST FOR DISAGREEING ?????? this guys doing a project for science im pretty sure cause i am and i need this answer he doesn't need this sort of answer he wants to know if the country is DEMOCRATIC, THEOCRATIC, MONARCHY, or Dictatorship writing that in a project would just make me feel VERY uncomfortable and it would make me feel racist try a different answerand the real answer is Representative Democracy i found it in 3 seconds

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i don't know why you asking me

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The government in China is communist. It is officially called the Chinese Communist Party. The current constitution was amended in 1982.

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