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Q: What best explains why trade among the colonies flourished?
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The interstate slave trade flourished when cotton became popular among the colonies.

What explains how trade enables greater specialization among producers?

Trade allows people to focus on one kind of production and trade for their other needs.

What best explains how trade enables greater specialization among?

trade allows people to focus on one kind of production and trade for their own needs.

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trade allows people to focus on one kind of production and trade for their other needs.

What is Intercolonial Trade?

Trades done among the BNA ( British North America ) colonies.

How did triangle trade violate the navigation act acts imposed by Britain on its colonies?

Mr. Scarbrough, explains this very very very well!

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Trade flourished in the Assyrian Empire because?

They had not emporium people to cover it

Why did the trade flourish in the Assyrian empire?

Trade flourished in the Assyrian Empire because there was a vast network of safe roads.

Why do learning the arts flourished during the Renaissance?

Learning and the arts flourished during the renaissance because of trade and communication. It was easier and since there was good trade, there was a better economy which helped the people of the renaissance flourish and become more wealthy.

Which colonies had the best balance of trade with the mother country?

The middle colonies had the best balance of trade with england.