Muslims brought innovations to the mordern world by teaching of different subject,translation of languages to make the learning easy but the mid 12 century muslims work came to an end by the invasin of halagu khan when invaded baghdad dismantling the work of muslim scholars
Hulagu Khan, a Mongol Leader, attacked and destroyed Baghdad, and the learning of the House of Wisdom was lost to the Muslims. Muslims also lost the spirit of inquiry as science and mathematics came to be frowned upon by subsequent religious leaders ;they then focused on these subjects only the light of the Quran and religious writings
Russia Tratior Allied and Launch ICBM on America and around europe.So German Go to allied To Halt Russia Invasion
Mao Zedong dreamed of China's economy rivaling the United States by 1988 through industry and agriculture. With the Five Year Plan executed from 1958 to 1963, the sense of incapable odds brought the plans to a halt.
Without disagreement there can be no discussion. Not only in the field of history but in many of the scientific fields, discussion is necessary to move forward. Should all of the historieans in the world agree on a set history (one that is unverifiable) the field itself would halt. Sometimes wrong conclusions are made. If there are no historians willing to disagree with one another these conclusions can be perpetuated.
Skilled speakers such as Kwame Nkrumah in the Gold Coast, Jomo Kenyatta in Kenya, and Léopold Senghor in Sengal led independence movements in their countries. Such political pressure was enough to win independece in the British colonies that became Nigeria and Ghana, and in France's many Western African colonies.
Nothing, particularly. There are many numbers that are divisible by 5 or by 2 and that has not brought the world to a grinding halt!
The Civil War was going on when they had to stop the Washington Monument.
the journalistic exposes of The New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast
the journalistic exposes of The New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast
To halt German aggression.
In the West it brought it to a screeching halt. The military leadership had to rethink its intelligence capacity, its logistics and its military capacity.
President Wilson was prompted by the refusal of Germany to halt its naval attacks.
The plural form of halt is halts.
Halt chose Will as his apprentice.
The word halt has one syllable.
In 732, the Franks halt to further Muslim advance into Europe