There were many different cities where Church councils were held due to issues facing the Catholic Church. Some of the more famous ones are the Council of Trent (addressed the issue the Protestant Reformation and created the seven sacraments) and the two modern vatican councils 1 and 2 that were held in Rome at the Vatican.
The purpose of the Council of the Indies was to govern vast and diverse empire in America.
The Council of 8 Ministers of Chhtrapati Shivaji was known as "ASHTA PRADHAN".
813 years
1776 AD means the year 1776 after christ was born, this year is 2011 AD. Forty years before Jesus was born it was 40 BC. BC: Before Christ AD: After Death
Ad Council was created in 1941.
Ad Council Japan was created in 1971.
It was written at the council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) and modified at the council of Constantinople (A.D. 381)
The Council of Jerusalem was the Church Council held at Jerusalem.
Constantine was the Roman Emperor who made Christianity an acceptable religion of the Roman Empire at the Council of Nicaea (325 AD). The Council of Laodicea in circa 364 AD and Emperor Julian, reaffirmed Sunday observance and this Christian acceptance. It wasn't until Emperor Theodosius I with his 'Edict of Thessalonica' of 380-381 AD that the Nicaea Council's multiple doctrines of Sunday, Trinity concept, etc. became official and the 'legitimate imperial religion' now dubbed 'Catholic' meaning universal.
the council of ephesus was the council that was in 431AD
# Where is the AD database held? What other folders are related to AD?
total of 2 jain councils held => 1st council (3rd century BC) - It was held in Pataliputra by Sthulbhadra (shvetambar). 12 angas were compiled to make up for the lost 14 purvas. 2nd council (5th century AD) - It was held in Pallavi under the leadership of Devaradhi Kshamasramana. Compilation of 12 agas and 12 upangas took place in this council.
The Council of Jerusalem was the Church Council held at Jerusalem.
The council was held mostly at the Vatican but some meetings were held at other venues in and around Rome.
The bishops convened the First Council of Nicea (the better known of the two) in 325 AD at the request of Emperor Constantine, who had legalized Christianity not long before with the Edict of Milan. This council condemned the Arian heresy, which taught that Jesus was not God, but a superhuman entity created by God. The Second Council of Nicea, which particularly fought Iconoclasm (the destruction of icons) was convened in 787 AD.
In 325 AD.The council of Nicaea was in 325 AD.