Alexander Mackenzie had two native guides on his expedition through the Rockie's, but there were others natives along the way, that did not appreciate the coming of Mackenzie.
they did not get divorced i think she died
In Canada, the fathers of Confederation did not think of First Nations as citizens of the new country. After Confederation, a special government department was created to decide how the First Nations people should live. Many First Nations were forced to live on reserves. These people were not allowed to vote. If they wanted to vote, they had to leave their reserves & begin living like the Colonists did. This meant they had to farm or move to a city.
I don't knowbut i think it was the ten connmandments
US, England, France, I think Austria, Germany, and Russia did not attend. But you might want to go to wikepedia for that.
William Wilberforce I think
they did not get divorced i think she died
I think it is because he was either paid by the fur trading company he worked for he decided to. That's all I know.
I think you do :Di love you Mackenzie baby
They viewed them as trespassers and drove them out.
maakeji i think. is sorry. I do not think we know.
I think his dad did Philip the second. that is what it says in my social studies book
because the government did not think they were people
I think they came from Europe or Asia.
i think they have 4562387
William Lyon Mackenzie is best remembered for having been the leader of the failed 1837 rebellion in Upper Canada. Mackenzie is also remembered for having been the first mayor of the City of Toronto, and for having published a notorious rabble-rousing newspaper called The Colonial Advocate. (Frankly, however, I think Mackenzie was an irresponsible crank who suffered from delusions of grandeur.)