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Charles 1 was very opinionated, as he did not care if the Parliament or the people of his country disagreed with an idea he had, but instead still believed in it and stuck to it. He was also chaste and incorrupt, faithful to his wife, and narrow-minded. Charles 1 was devoted to his family, but certainly his religion, as unlike other past monarchs of England, his belief did not waver.

But the King is of course known for being very stubborn, as he did not let any other person apart from him posess any power and stuck to his decisions without questioning them, no matter who fought them and argued with him.

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10y ago
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12y ago

According to eye witness accounts, Henry VIII in his youth was very good looking. Over six feet in height, with red hair, fair complexion and a 'round face so very beautiful, it would become a pretty woman'. It was only in later years that he put on a lot of weight, and lost his looks.

I saw a painting of him in Warwick Castle that was very revealing. It was from the waist up and painted at about the time he was in his 40's since he looked well fed and rather heavy. The one thing I noticed about the painting was his hands. The painter painted him as he saw him and the his hands were very embedded with dirt and grime. His finger nails were dirty and some were broken. I had a sense of the man from the painting. He was in rich red velvet with gold, had a reddish beard, long hair, and had a hat that matched the gown/coat he was wearing.

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14y ago

His nickname was "the Merry Monarch", which should tell you something.

He could be friendly, relatively tolerant and was very fond of beautiful women. During the Great Fire of London, he stepped up and organized the extinguishing of fires.

He could also be treacherous to his allies though and received a secret pension from Louis XIV.

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17y ago copy and paste this address into ur browser.

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12y ago

he was a fat ugly man with warts all over his face

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15y ago

He had a tongue too big for his mouth so he dribbled alot, he was really thin but wore big clothes to hide it, he never washed his hands.

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4y ago

He was a chubby guy with a lot of dots on his face:(

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