t's known as the beautiful game, but in Tudor times football should perhaps have been called the dangerous game.
Modern Premier League stars may dive and feign injuries, but in the 16th century more people died playing it than sword-fighting, a historian has discovered.
Seven footballers were killed after clashes in English villages between 1500 and 1575, new research has revealed.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
Tudor time of great fire of london
they have meat and soup and they have stew for their meals in the Tudor times that is what they have in the Tudor times.
The "Abraham man" was a tudor beggar,back in the tudor times.
Yes, garlic was used in Tudor times as a popular seasoning and ingredient in various dishes. It was believed to have medicinal properties and was also used to ward off evil spirits or to prevent illness. Garlic was commonly used in both savory and sweet recipes.
Letters at Tudor times were sealed with wax
There were no trains in the Tudor times. They had only first come out in 1872
It's a Fishmonger who was alive in Tudor times
Explorers like Rayleigh found spices in Tudor times.
To be able to be beheaded in the Tudor times you had to break the law or disobey the king or queen
was there any black people in tudor times?
It started with Henry Tudor (Henry VII) in 1485.