Sturdy beggars mostly conned people. A man called O'Bedlam would follow you around and bark until you give him a shilling or two. There was also the Baretop Tricksters these women would flash at men so they would buy her a meal the man would think he could get sex so he would go to her place. At her place there would be a vicious gang waiting to rob the man. If he is lucky he might get away with his life. The is also a man who wouldhave a specially weighted dice so the dice would roll onto his number this meant people would gamble and lose their money . There was alos the Clapper Dudgeon who would cut himself and then put dirty rags on it so it would look worse.
Yes they were beggars in the tudor times that would force people to give them money and in the process of doing so would maybe even kidnap the wives and children of these people
Beggars are so poor because they want money. Sometimes they just want people to give them more money. They had money but they just want alot more then they have.
They would pretend that they were sick or disabled so that the rich people would feel sorry for them, they put soap in their mouthes and made it froth up and they used crutches when they didn't even need to. Theywould sometimes preform on the streets like sing dance or tell jokes.
the poor did not have money and that was a lot of peapol so it was not the best in Tudor times it was the worst!
There were several types of money that were used in the Tudor times Currency included shillings, pence, and the pound.
Goverment might attack church believed that they were the devils creations
The Baretop Trickster,Clapper Dudgeon,The Brixler,The Cutpurse,The Soap Eater,Tony O'Bedlam
no 8
Joe Bloggs
There were different types of Tudor Beggars, some destroyed and robbed to survive while others got Blowjobs and fingered people! XD
what other types oare there of sturdy beggars
Yes they were beggars in the tudor times that would force people to give them money and in the process of doing so would maybe even kidnap the wives and children of these people
i will show my love to beggars by respecting them and giving money..
beggars were treated like dirt! There were always looking for money and scraps of food to eat beggars were treated like dirt! There were always looking for money and scraps of food to eat
Beggars do not make a set amount of money. Some beggars make a great deal of money and others make almost none.