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It led to the development of civilizations. Now people had to work together in order to keep resources from depleting. They had more time to advance their skills( i.e making arrows, cloth...) They also needed leadership and alliances from the people around them.

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Q: What discovery of farming allowed people to live in settled communities and led to the development of what?
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How did the neolithic revolution contribute to the development of the river valley civilizations?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

How did the Neolithic Revolutions contribute to the development of the first river valley civilizations?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

How did the neolithic revolution contribute to the development of the first river valley civilization?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

How did the Neolithic Revolution contribute to the development of the first river valley civilizations?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

What role did farming play in development of early civilizations?

Farming played a crucial role in the development of early civilizations. It allowed for a stable food supply, which in turn led to population growth and the formation of settled communities. The surplus of food from farming also allowed for the development of specialized occupations, trade, and the rise of complex social and political structures. Overall, farming was the foundation upon which early civilizations were built.

What allowed civilizations to develop?

The conversion from hunter/gather to farming forms of subsistence.

Why was farming important to the neolithic people?

Farming was important to Neolithic people because it allowed for a more stable and reliable food supply, which in turn led to the development of larger and more settled communities. This shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies and the beginnings of civilization.

What allowed the Native Americans to form communities?

Farming and Agriculture :) so easy

Is this true fertile farmland allowed people to create farming communities?

Yes it is.

How did the development of farming contribute to the rise of civilization?

The development of farming enabled people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the accumulation of surplus food. This surplus allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, establishment of social structures, and the development of complex societies that eventually led to the rise of civilization.

What contributed most to the development of farming during the stone age?

The development of farming during the Stone Age was influenced by several key factors. One major contribution was the discovery and domestication of wild plants and animals, which allowed for a more stable and reliable food source. Additionally, the development of tools and technologies, such as the use of stone tools for cultivating and harvesting crops, played a crucial role in enabling the transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one. Lastly, the development of social structures and the ability to share knowledge and skills within communities also contributed to the advancement of farming during this period.

How did the discovery of gold affect California?

Gold financed the development of farming, manufacturing, shipping, and banking.