The clover signified Second Corps, as First Corps was a full moon, third corp, a diamond, fifth a Maltese cross, sixth, a roman cross, eleventh a crescent, and 12th a five pointed star.
monuments buit by prithviraj chauhan
The Gettysburg Battlefield was the scene of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the most famous battles of the American Civil War. Gettysburg is a town in Pennsylvania. full information about monuments check it this also
Sanchi stupa
They are not actually clovers, but trefoils, and they mean perpetvity.
Smokers are mean
it think it mean the what you do so you deeds are your monuments and show what kind of a person you are and what you have achived
If you mean oxalis, the purple are not rare.
The answer to this is yes clovers do have seeds
It means you are very patient.
The answer depends on where you are. Just like in English where some places the eight of clovers would be called the eight of clubs, there are several names for "clubs" or "clovers" in Spanish. Ocho de Tréboles (preferred for 52 card deck) / bastos (España)
yes pollution can mutate clovers
No, clovers can not be poisonous to frogs.
The original Bring it On has the Clovers and Toros.
It means your really lucky!
you look for 3 leaf clovers because you just don't believe in 4 leaf clovers.