Not everyone who is wise is clever. A name for a very wise person is a "sage".
An Ottawan, eh.
You call a person who is at the top of the social class and was sent by Spain to rule the Spainsh colonies a peninsulares.
he was a very short-tempered person and very greedy
According to one online dictionary, the person being mentored is the "mentee".
scientist,discoverer and a creator
An octagenarian.
You can call someone who is wise and has good sense as a sage or a wise person.
A very wise king
she was a very wise and smart
By the Mongolians - A very wise person
Rabbai, Sage, Sifu, Sensei, enlightened, Guru
Theodore Roosevelt(?)
A very very confused person.
you call them wealthy.
A very wise person, or a guru can also be called a sage.
A geriatric You call them elderly or an elder.
it means a very wise person it is a English name a farmers name as well and very handsome