In Australia, the title of The Honorable is awarded to Ministers who are appointed to the Executive Council, including Parliamentary Secretaries and the Speaker. Prerequisites for attaining the title vary by state, but the title is usually retained for life.
It comes from Margaret Thatcher who was Prime Minister of England. People were said to be a bit "wet under the ear" the more liberal they were.
Students should indeed take part in politics as they will eventually participate in one way of another. Taking part in politics at the student level helps them get prepared for the future.
what is the role of common man in a Presidential politics by the late 1820
Many people feared the influence of immigrants on politics
If the words "Australia's country animal" refer to the national faunal emblem of Australia, the answer is 'none'. There is no national animal of Australia.
Honourable high court of kerala
No Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia has requested the resignation of a prime minister. Rather, the Honourable Gough Whitlam, A.C., Q.C., the 21st prime minister, was dismissed by the Right Honourable Sir John Kerr, the 18th Governor-General.
The Honourable Tony Abbott M.P. (Warringah) is the Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.
Australian Labor Party
They are simply known as Members of parliament, although in addressing them by letter you would refer to them as 'The Right Honourable....'(whoever). In the House of Parliament, MPs correctly address each other in debates as 'the Honourable Member'.
Honourable Mandarossa
Senators are Canadians who are at least thirty years old, having at least $4000 of property, appointed to the Senate by the Governor General on the advice of the prime minister. Canadian senators review bills passed by the elected House of Commons, and pass them, reject them, or suggest amendments to improve legislation.
Gender politics is one subject of sociology. It is the debate about the roles and relations of men and women.
Members of Parliament, whilst in the House of Commons, may not refer to each other in the second person, but must always use the third person. Traditionally, Members or Parliament do not refer to each other by name, but by constituency - "the Honourable Member for [constituency name]. If the Member of Parliament is also a member of the Privy Council, the address would be "the Right Honourable Member for [constituency name]. It is not always practical to expect Members to remember the constituency names of all of the participants to the debate, so referring to each other as "My (Right) Honourable Friend, Lady or Gentleman" is accepted.
Leaders of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition under the Labor Party have been:The Honourable Chris WatsonThe Right Honourable Andrew FisherThe Honourable Frank TudorMr. Matthew CharltonThe Right Honourable James ScullinThe Right Honourable John CurtinThe Right Honourable Ben ChifleyThe Right Honourable H. V. Evatt, Q.C., K.St.J.The Right Honourable Arthur CalwellThe Honourable Gough Witlam, A.C., Q.C.The Honourable Bill Hayden, A.C., K.St.J.The Honourable Bob Hawke, A.C., G.C.L.His Excellency the Honourable Kim Beazley, A.C.The Honourable Simon Crean, M.P.Mr. Mark LathamThe Honourable Kevin Rudd, M.P.
Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy