this sign is the sign of the satan..... Rockstars usually denote REBELS.... Satan was the eighth angel of GOD who rebelled and thus rockstars are associated with the devils and the rebels the fore-finger and the little-finger denote the two horns of the devil and the thumb denotes the tail of the devil
dweller at, or near the sign of the Kron (crown). :)
it is used to signify the greatness of mothers all over the world.It is said that as god could'nt look after all his kids he created mothers as his replicas and hence no matter what faith you believe in it tells us to worship our moms.
The Munich Agreement was signed by Chamberlain (Britain), Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy) and Daladier (France) sto hand the Sudetenland over to Nazi Germany.
what do you mean? hes over off 82nd ave, by the subway... and its not mattress world its sleep world, you cant miss the sign
Continue to refuse to sign the document.
The sign language for rock can vary depending on the context. One common sign is to make a fist with your dominant hand and then shake it side to side, mimicking the movement of a rock. Another sign is to make a "C" shape with your hand and then tap it against the back of your other hand. These signs represent the concept of a rock or the verb "rocking."
To sign "jump over the rock" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "JUMP" followed by signing "ROCK" and then using a motion with your hand to represent jumping over it.
its a sign he wants you to rock his world.that or he is masturbating.
what a sign mean that has a red circle with rock in it and a red line through it
The hand signal you described with the pointer and pinky extended is commonly associated with the "rock on" hand gesture, often used to symbolize rock music, concerts, or expressing excitement and positivity.
It is a Jewish hand sign that symbolizes the letter shin. Which stands for Shaddai meening "God"
That is the sign of the horns of a cuckold. It means "Someone else is sleeping with your girl."
on the dashboard? i think its the hand brake.
A persons hand reaching out to the poor
This gesture typically represents the sign for "silly" in American Sign Language. It involves moving an open hand up and down under the chin while sticking out the thumb.
Revise your question. (The Index finger IS your pointer finger) If you mean between the middle and index fingers, then yes, it is the letter T in sign language.
They have 2 different hand signs they do a Lower case d and capital T.