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In Northern Europe towns declined after the collapse of the Roman Empire, and in England many towns became extremely small - little more than villages. A place with 2,000 or more inhabitants was considered really big and important.

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Q: What effect did the Dark Ages have on urban population?
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How did the increase of population following the dark ages lead to colonization?

They had to many slaves which then overruled their leaders.

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Who labeled the Renaissance as dark ages?

The Renaissance was not labeled the "dark ages". Renaissance means "rebrith" and it came AFTER the "dark ages or the middle ages."

What is a another name for the Middle Ages?

Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages

Rome before the dark ages vs during the dark ages?

Before. Rome fell in 410 AD which started the "dark ages"

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the age before the dark ages is the high middle ages

What are five chararistics of the dark ages?

dark ages, middle ages, medieval, feudal, age of faith.

Did the greek dark ages begin in 1150?

The Greek Dark Ages began in about the year 1200 BC. There is no exact year for their beginning. Clearly, the Greek Dark Ages and the Dark Ages were not the same thing, and they were not really related, as the Dark Ages began in the middle of the 5th century AD.

Is dark ages capitalized?

yes, you mainly see the Dark Ages capitalized

What was the period of art and learning that began in the 1300s?

dark ages The Rennaisance is what you are talking about, as the dark ages was around 800-1000. == ==

How was the lamp of knowledge kept alive in the dark ages?

It wasn't. There were no schools or education and 90% of the population couldn't read or write.

What were the roman dark ages?

The Dark Ages is an old fashioned term which refers to the Middle Ages, the period that came after the fall of the roman Empire. It was usedbecasueit was held that after the fall of the empire, Europe descended into a period ofculturaldecline and anarchy.Nowadays the term is avoided because of its negative connotations and because it is misleading.Historiansnow highlight the fact that during the Middle Ages there were two periods ofculturalrevival. They arecalledtheCarolingianRenaissance, which occurred under Charlemagne, and the Renaissance of the 12th Century.