Caravels were a type of small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15th century. They were better than the ships they replaced, such as cogs and carracks, because they had a more streamlined hull design, allowing for greater speed and agility. Caravels also had triangular lateen sails that could catch wind from different directions, enabling them to sail closer to the wind and explore new trade routes more efficiently.
Back in the dark days of the Witch Hunts it was claimed that people were being burned for being affiliated with the devil in their workings of magic. They were foul people amongst the villagers who sought out the help of the devil to harm and curse everyone.The reality of it is that people got burned at the stake for witchcraft, because people got ticked off at them. Yes, there were real witches who were burned which thus shortly ended the use of the Books of Shadows and put everything into verbal words to pass down to their children. However, most of the people were not witches.The people who were burned at the stake were simply innocent people that somebody didn't like. It was a simple matter of going around and calling someone a witch to get them torched and out of your life. So people claimed their neighbors, their in-laws, and the dude who over charged them for a hammer were witches just due to the fact they were mad.It was a dark and rather stupid age.
Historians have proven that several hundred years before Columbus (1492) the Vikings came to the New World and before them it has been proven the Chinese also had ships arrive in North America.
Dr. David Livingstone was a medical missionary from Scotland. He traveled to Africa as an explorer, and lived there until he died.
Bulbs burned out? Blown Fuse? Bad switch?
they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships
The legend says he burnt his ships to prevent any mutiny - without ships, no one could make any attempt to "go back".
Colonial seaports were important so that imports could be unloaded near shore. Exports could then be loaded onto ships heading back to Europe. Today, the wooden ships are replaced by vast cargo ships that need tugboat guidance to dock in the harbors.
Only 2 of his original five ships made it back.
Drag them and bind them to the ships
Drag them and bind them to the ships
No. Their functional differences prevent installation. However, the 99 Ford Escort trans will fit in the back of the Ford Explorer to transport it.
the English drove them in to sand banksthe English send fire ships to panic the Spanishthe weather pushed the Spanish in to rocks
I believe it is the same as my 1995 Explorer - open the liftgate - remove the 2 screws at the top of the lense - work the lense straight back to remove it. There are only 2 screws at the top and the other "pins" that hold it in place are >>>>>>>>>>> shaped
You can download internet explorer from it's website. They have various versions of internet explorer in their website.