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well Some came to America to find a shorter distance from Spain to Why_did_Spanish_explorers_come_to_America, such as Christopher Columbus. Others came to find for "Cities of Gold" such as Hernán Cortez & Francisco Pizarro. Others came as a missionary mission to convert Native Americans to Christianity such as Serra Junipero. Most of these explorers would also claim the land they found to be property of the Spanish land

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12y ago
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13y ago

A few factors would be

  • the Spanish had greater technology
  • they brought many European diseases which killed more natives than the wars did meaning that the natives strengths where weakened
  • the natives where to trusting of the 'strange people'
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8y ago

When you're talking middle and South America: trade and gold. In the case of Spain: mostly gold (and silver) which they shipped out of their colonies in copious quantities. That is, until supplies ran out and Spain found itself economically underdeveloped, never having felt the need to develop itself economically because of al the wealth already simply pouring in. Spain was to remain an economic backwater until well into the 20th century.

The Portuguese (always much more trade-oriented than the Spanish) had their eye mostly on developing sugar plantations in Brazil, sugar being a very high-prized commodity at the time.

As to North America: except for fur, it had little to offer to interest the European nations. But that fur trade wasbooming for quite a while. After that. the reasons were often freedom of conscience and freedom from persecution, driving settlers from countries in Europe where their beliefs or convictions were not tolerated.

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12y ago

Greed,gold,and God led European countries to explore the world.

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