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Fashion always changes…people have based their designs on one fashion bulding it to become another fashion, people just keep reviving the same fashion with a bit of a twist!

The fashion is the same with a slight manipulation to make it more up-to-date.

With the high-waisted shorts and skirts, belts etc. omg

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Fashion designers such as Chanel, Schiaparelli, and Vionnet invented the comfort clothing for women. They promoted comfortable clothing and lifestyles. They pushed for a woman's right to tan and to act like a man.

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Q: What fashion inventions have occured during the 20th century?
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Why was there so much conflict in the 20th century?

The 20th century was an age of war because during that time period there were many and great wars that were faught. Also many people were killed during the wars that occured during the 20th century.

What was happening in history in the baroque period?

One thing's for sure, it has nothing to do with barbecues!

What was a historic event that occured during albert Einstein's life?

world war II

How did technological advances changed people's lives and affect businesses during the Industrial Age?

it changed it by the new inventions and methods that were used during the time

What impact did Coco Chanel have on the world?

History of Women's Fashion in the Twentieth Century Upper class people dominated fashion during the period from1900 to 1909. Only rich people enjoyed high fashion because the tradition of hand craftsmanship was slow, detailed work, and it was expensive. Therefore, most people could not afford trendy clothes. Rich people controlled fashion because fashion was a symbol of social status. The formal style was extraordinary, and ladies wore many clothes--for example, chemise, corset, corset cover, drawers, a flannel petticoat, and one or more cotton petticoats. About 1908, a new style of fashion began. The concept of the new style was the natural woman's figure. The new fashion expressed the new status of women. Women started to enter a variety of careers and new ways of living. During World War I, women took over men's jobs, and the traditional pompous clothes disappeared. After the war, the development of fashion was influenced by the new attitude of women.

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