European technology caused China to accept more Western influence.
Because of the stalemate on the Western Front both sides sought to gain new allies who n=might provide a winning advantage.
The French overthrew their government in 1789 and took up a new slogan for their country, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." Their revolution was caused by many inequalities and demands put on them as a people to the betterment of the King. The people finally revolted in a revolution, and took the nation.
World War 1 was caused by two terrorists. World War 2 was caused by some Fanatics.
World War caused Europe to divide. By Omar Adam
Imperialism- The need for countries to expand their influence. Militarism- Countries wanting to build up their militaries, placing importance in them. Nationalism- Placing importance in country, believing the country is the best. Nationalism made all of the involved countries believe they were the best; excessive national pride. Militarism had them place great importance in the military, which caused many countries to build very large militaries (and the want to use them). Imperialism made these countries want to expand their influence. In other words, powerful countries expanded influence until they began to clash with each other. Because they had excessive pride and large militaries, they were more than happy to resort to violence in order to solve their differences.
the event that caused ponyboy to finally accept johnnys death because he found the good-bye letter jonny wrote to him tuked inside the book gone with the wind.
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, finally caused Japan to surrender.
The promises that Hitler made.
That you are trying to push memories of that person out of your life. That you are not aware of how profoundly that person affected you and that your trying to forget the damage they did to you. And you can forget and process the information and accept it and move on. You don't have to hold on to the hurt and pain they caused you and you can finally breathe.
Yes, influenza (Italian for "the influence) is caused by a virus . . . actually a number of different viruses.
Black Death caused revolutions. It weakened church's influence.
You can undo anything you caused. Problem is, will the girl accept you as you were before or accept you with reservations? She may not accept you at all unless you sacrifice your life to her. Or at least your attitude. Responsibility! Can you accept it?
To fall short when of the total needed
The Zimmerman Letter