Throughout history, trade has been used to import materials from Europe to the Americas. For instance, sugar, wood, and coal was imported to the Americas.
Throughout history, trade has been used to import materials from Europe to the Americas. For instance, sugar, wood, and coal was imported to the Americas.
Throughout history, trade has been used to import materials from Europe to the Americas. For instance, sugar, wood, and coal was imported to the Americas.
the Old World and the New World Europe and the Americas
the Old World and the New World Europe and the Americas
One result of this exchange was the transfer of germs and viruses that brought diseases from europe to asia
Raw materials like precious metals (gold and silver), tobacco, sugar and cotton went from the Americas to Europe. Manufactured goods like cloth and metal items went to Africa and the Americas. Finally, slaves went from Africa to the Americas to work. This trade created great profits for Europe.
people who worked on the sugar plantation who were brought to the Americas were brought from the continent of AFRICA. signed : WESLEY ISAACS
Goats, lambs, sugar, diseases
The traingular trade route was in the shape of a triangle. Goods from Europe were shipped to Africa, goods from Africa were shipped to the Americas, and goods from the Americas were shipped to Europe.
The triangle trade involved Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe provided manufactured goods to Africa, Africa supplied slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials and goods back to Europe.
What tern describes the exchange of goods and ideas among the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas
What tern describes the exchange of goods and ideas among the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas
Africa, Europe, and the Americas were the three continents involved in the triangular trade route. Slaves were taken from Africa to the Americas, where raw materials like sugar and tobacco were sent back to Europe, and finished goods were then brought to Africa.
The triangular trade route included Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Goods such as raw materials, manufactured goods, and slaves were exchanged among these regions in a triangular pattern. Europe sent manufactured goods to Africa, Africa sent slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials back to Europe.
The triangular trade connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe traded manufactured goods to Africa, Africa traded slaves to the Americas, and the Americas traded raw materials back to Europe.
Europeans brought wheat, sugar, and sheep to the Americas, and took corn, potatoes, and turkeys to Europe
the Old World and the New World Europe and the Americas