The longest suicide note in history happened in 1983.
On this day in history, October 4th, Leave it To Beaver premiered in 1957.
It isn't. It's a 20th-century construct that lumps together various regimes with widely differing characters and agendas. It didn't happen in history: nobody advocated or pursued a "totalitariansim".
Bloody Sunday, which is when a group of people were shot down in Britain for going against the king
The worst tornado in history first touched down in central Bangladesh at around 6:00 pm local time on April 26, 1989, killing 1300. It was probably on the ground for over an hour.
History Told on Walls - 1997 was released on: USA: 1997 (Houston Film Festival)
History Television was created in 1997.
Personal History was created in 1997.
The Nazis A Warning from History - 1997 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
In Search of History The Plot to Overthrow FDR - 1997 TV was released on: USA: 1997
History's Turning Points - 1997 was released on: UK: 29 July 1997 USA: 16 January 2000
i was born
the titanic made history
History Undercover Roswell - An Alien Obsession - 1997 TV was released on: USA: 4 December 1997
The cast of In Search of History - 1997 includes: Patrick Macnee as Himself - Host (1998)
I WAS Born
OnEscapee happened in 1997.