Considering that over the course of English and French history, these countries have gone to war over fifteen times and had at least 100 distinct battles, a degree of specificity might be helpful in giving a response to this question.
germany declared war on russia and france,great britain delcared war on germany thus europe is locked in battle
The Battle of Gravelines was two battles that both occurred in 1558. The first Battle of Gravelines was fought on July 13, 1558, at Gravelines, near Calais, France, Spain defeated France. In August, 1558, the Spanish Armada was defeated by the English.
Battle of France Battle of Britain Operation Barbarossa Battle of Satlingrad Pearl Harbor Battle of Coral Sea Battle of Midway Battle of the Atlantic D-Day VE day Iwo Jima Hiroshima and Nagasaki
On June 22, 1940, the Second Armistice at Compi?gne was signed, officially ending the Battle of France. It granted most of France to Germany.
The Battle of the Somme started on Saturday 24th June when the first bombardments happened but the soldier to soldier fighting didn't start till 1st July 1916.
The Battle of Britain happened AFTER most of Europe had already been conquered by Germany.
The Battle was between Great Britain and France
Rowan's Battle of Britain was created in 2000.
No. France had already surrendered before the start of the Battle of Britain. Britain was fighting alone apart from some volunteers from several countries.
The Battle of Britain took place against the Nazi bomber and fighter planes in the skies over Great Britain during the Summer of 1940, during a period when Britain stood alone against them. It was fought in the skies over Britain after France surrendered following the Battle of France. It takes its name from a speech Churchill gave in which he said, "The Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin."
The armies of Britain & France on one side against the German army on the other.
It depends on what war/battle you are talking about. Britain did defeat France a couple times, but France retaliated.
Britain and France
There is a misunderstanding from the questioner. The battle of Culloden was fought between the British government and Jacobites. The Jacobites wanted to place Prince Charles Edward Stuart on the throne of Great Britain.
This battle was a war between the English and the French, fought in the English Channel of Switzerland. France won both battles.
The winner of the battle of the Marne was France and Britain.