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What happened on January 11, 1953 was French tried to learn the word dimanche

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Q: What happened on January 11 1953?
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What day of the week was 11th January 1953?

January 11, 1953 fell on a Sunday.

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What's My Line - 1950 1953-01-11 was released on: USA: 11 January 1953

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Span of Time - 1953 TV was released on: USA: 11 January 1953

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Person to Person - 1953 7-11 was released on: USA: 1 January 1960

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ABC Evening News - 1953 2013-01-11 was released on: USA: 11 January 2013

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John Sessions was born on January 11, 1953.

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John Sessions was born on January 11, 1953.

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Operation Castor happened on 1953-11-22.

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January 13, 1953 was a Tuesday.

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There were no significant events that occurred on January 11, 1948. It was a Sunday during the presidency of Harry Truman.

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January Events - Lithuania - happened on 1991-01-11.

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Bodil Kofoed was born on January 11, 1953, in Copenhagen, Denmark.