16 years after the Mayflower landed, the Puritans came and took over the land. The pilgrims did not like this!
1st mass exitinction happaned 450-440 million years ago.
* Twin towers attacked * H1N1 out break
William Bradford was the governor of the Plymouth colony settlement during the period of 1621 to 1656. During this period, he served five times as governor for a total of thirty years. William Bradford traveled on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims in 1620. He died in 1657.
World War I began in 1914 to 1918, it lasted a total of 4 years.
The Germans Started WW2 a few years later!
the Jamestown red sox would have waitedlike 80 years between championships
we landed on the moon
Magna Carta was first, in 1215. The mayflowe compact happened several hundred years later in 1620.
They landed in 1620. It was a small group of 60 Quakers on the Mayflower that landed in Plymouth, Mass. They actually found an abandoned Native American village that they used and the storehouse of corn they uncovered helped them make it through the winter.
Is he sixteen years old? Anonymous
The Pilgrims who landed in present-day Massachusetts in 1620 arrived on the Mayflower.
No person has ever landed on Mars. The only body outside of earth on which people ever landed is the moon. The last time that happened was 38 years ago. Mars is 180 times farther away. No manned missions to Mars are planned yet.
Gary powers survived the crash and went to jail for 2 years and the u2 crashed landed
A century is 100 years, so sixteen centuries would be 1,600 years.
J'ai seize ans. (I have sixteen years, literally)
No, Joseph Smith was not on the Mayflower. Joseph Smith was born in 1805. The Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock in 1620, 185 years earlier.
At sixteen