In 1580 in Amsterdam, we do not know the exact date, but we know he was baptized on the 30th October 1580. Many places cite this as his actual birthday.
Amsterdam in 1580
Dirk Hartogs Father
Allama Muhammad Iqbal's date of birth is 9 November , 1877. And died on 21 april,1938.
facts on Dirk hartog :)
Dirk Hartog is famous for Hartog bay.
Amsterdam in 1580
Dirk Hartogs hometown where he was born, raised, and died is in Amsterdam.
Dirk Hartogs Father
it was lost at sea
nothing much
mlik hartog and hiu hartog
His favourite meal is an Oreo McFlurry from McDonalds (joke)
Dirk Benedict's birth name is Dirk Niewoehner.
Dirk Ellis's birth name is Dirk Eugene Ellis.
Dirk Been's birth name is Dirk W. Been.
Dirk Triebel's birth name is Dirk Simplizius Triebel.
Dirk Zeelenberg's birth name is Dirk Jan Zeelenberg.