The term Greco-Roman is used to refer to the ancient Greek and Roman cultures which were very similar in structure. Geographically, the term is used to refer to the Mediterranean area.
India's civilization began in 1200bc in china
Indus valley civilization riverboats have single sail.
Something to do with social studies and endings of civilizations
This civilization developed western philosophy, basis for democratic government, as well as great poetic epics.
Chinese civilization originated in various regional centers along both the Yellow River and the Yangtze River valleys in the Neolithic era, but the Yellow River is said to be the Cradle of Chinese Civilization.
No it is not a modern civilization. It is an ANCIENT civilization!
yes it was an civilization
the Minoan Civilization
i thinks Olmec civilization is earliest civilization
the colums were made of pure marble anyone could get! it was the best they fond they tock. all of it was found on the same mounten and they got it of the talest mounten. They are Ionic in architectural style. Ionic columns have the least amount of embellishment or decoration. They are the earliest form of GrecoRoman column.
Which civilization contributed the most to the development of Greek civilization? Mycenaean
Potty is very important!
which civilization??because civilization according to me hasn't ended yet
why the civilization disappeared
satellite civilization
Civilization IV