Explain the challenges that international employees encounter
no he didn't
To save time
Bad winds huge waves
The Ottowa Tribe.
We may encounter adverse union issues subsequent to the closing of the factory.
Yes, there is a preposition after the verb "encounter." For example, you can say "encounter with," "encounter in," or "encounter at" depending on the context of the situation.
after, then, subsequent
Common prepositions that can be used with "encounter" include "in," "during," "through," "on," and "at." For example: "She had an encounter with a bear in the woods," "We had an encounter during our trip," "They had an encounter through a mutual friend," "I had an encounter on my way to work," "He had an encounter at the restaurant."
"Confront" is a verb that can be used as a synonym for "encounter."
social encounter
My subsequent reply went unnoticed.
The word "subsequent" is an adjective.
An Encounter was created in 1914.
social encounter
The 'flu' is a virus, and viruses mutate readily. Unless the same flu makes its way around again, or a fairly similar strain to a previous encounter you've had through exposure or vaccine, you will have little defense.