Richard Taylor won the Nobel Prize in physics for verifying quark theory. For other choices of events please see the link.
Not much
Quebec city was founded
THe Iliad and the Odyssey were written down.
He pooped himself
No URLs in answers,please.
Earthquake and the G20 protests.
business began looking to the new market
The river's current is strong in March. I couldn't get the current to flow so we still have no lights. Something that happened last year is not really a current event.
Canada's newest territory, Nunavut, was created.
Starcraft 2 was released on 2010 July 27.
A current event is an incident or development that is happening in the present moment and is of interest or importance to the public. It could include news about politics, social issues, the economy, or other areas that impact society.
The current understanding of the so-called "Big Bang" event suggests that there was no'outside' to it, since all of space itself was created in the event and expanded after it.
A current world event is...never mind about that...
You use the word prior when speaking to an event, like; prior to an event, it means this happened before a certain event, or before something happened. Say there was a crime, and people were talking about how this happened, and what happened prior to this event.
what astronomical event happened in august 1999