Doxie Moore died in 1986.
Doxie Moore was born in 1911.
Yes, "Doxie" is the unofficial nickname of the Dachshund.
Doxie Keller has written: 'Ducky duck pins'
Yes, they do a little but not as much as a pure breed.
3-4ft/lbs. In short a doxie couldent bite, or fight his way out of a wet paper bag. B/S - my 12 pound mini-doxie bit someone through a rugged leather shoe and broke the skin. I would estimate that bite pressure to be on the order of 80 -90 lbs. based on some tests I performed.
"Slob" is a novel by Ellen Potter that takes place in New York City. The story is set in the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Need an animal with two parts to it's name, first name starting with d and second name starting with p. Maybe a dotted something:Dalmatian puppyOther two word animals with different letter second names:darter fishdesert tortoisedesert warblerdiamondback rattlesnakedragon flydromedary camel
Most dogs come into season/heat every six months for 10-14 days. Your dog will start bleeding and will repeatedly lick itself. Dogs are often very touchy and react out of character at this time. Some dogs will become more aggressive to other dogs at this time also.
Typically small dogs (under 30 lbs.) at 2 years of age equate to a man of 24 years. Each additional year of a small dog's life equates to 4 years of a man's life. Thus a 14 year old doxie is equivalent to a 72 year old man.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern DOX--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter D and 2nd letter O and 3rd letter X. In alphabetical order, they are: doxie
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern D-X--. That is, five letter words with 1st letter D and 3rd letter X. In alphabetical order, they are: dexes dexie dixie dixit doxie duxes