What area did the Dutch control
The word "Dutch" refers to people from The Netherlands, sometimes called Holland.
The spice trade. Research the Dutch East India Company and you will find a wealth of information as to why the Dutch were able to dominate the spice trade.
it is a ghost ship called the Flying Dutchman.= noRats have killed the the crew. = maybeThe ship doesn't see the light from the lighthouse. = noThe dangerous waters around the island force the ship to crash. maybe
the Dutch
Flying Dutch was created in 1991.
"Vliegende schotel" is a Dutch equivalent of "flying saucer."
It was actually called Davy Jones.
A dutch man is a man from the Netherlands, or as we dutch say a dutch man is a "hollander"
"Ongeïdentificeerd vliegend voorwerp" is a Dutch equivalent of "unidentified flying object."
With an H, for Dutch. The Flying Dutchman is a legendary "ghost ship" supposedly the spirit form of a sunken Dutch man-of-war and sometimes its crew. Research shows that its appearance (especially sailing in the air) is a type of mirage common at sea.
'young man' is in Dutch 'jonge man'
Flying Dutchman
what is the name of famous ghost ship? also known dutch voltigeur
The flying dutchman.
flying dutchman
The man - or woman - flying an airplane is called the pilot.