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The New World was what the America's were referred as. When sea exploration became a tool for colonial expansion, The America's were discovered and it opened up all new possibilities for trade goods, and new resources including colonization.

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14y ago

The New World was essentially The Americas. The (well known) world had been Europe, Africa and Asia.

Obviously they were not "new" as the continents of North an South America were formed at about the same timeas Euriope and the "old" world. Neithe were they "new" to the natives that lived here. Even Europeans andAsian knew of these continenets before Columbus - the Vikings had established colonies, the Portugeuse has established whaling and fishing stations, and the Chinese had sent trading expeditions.

Like the "new and improved" on prducts the phrase "new world" was probably used to encourage exploration and exploitation.

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15y ago

A "new world" is a land undiscovered and unexplored. America was referred to as the "New World" once the English settlers had first landed.

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