It may possibly refer to the letter sent when transmitting a payment. For example, a letter that states, "Enclosed please find my payment in the amount of X." Or a letter that is submitting something for consideration or judgment (like a remand). Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary.
No where, there hasn't been a place to send it yet. The reconmendation letter is for,to get your own pet wolf. You can also get this letter from completing warlics quest chain. In order to use to go to willow creek and go into the church and he will ask for a reconmendation letter.
name a English king or queen with 6 letters second letter e last letter e remember an English king or queen
i dont know any cities tht start with the letter e but there is egypt! i hoped i helped!
William B. Travis wrote the letter to from the Alamo because he wanted help.
There is no single answer to which is the widest letter, as it depends what you font you are using, but in many fonts, it is usually either capital M or capital W.In the font Arial, W is the widest letter, with the widest lowercase letter being m. Monospaced fonts (eg. Courier) will have all letters the same width.Historically, M was considered to be the widest letter, and the "em" unit in typography originated from this.It could also depend on if you mean handwritten, as then it could depend on the person's handwriting.
remit, wages
i remit my cousion money
He was hoping the judge would remit his sentence due to his standing in the community. Remit can be used as a verb or a noun.
Please remit your payment or risk suspension of services.
When I remit this last payment, I will own my car outright.When you are ready to pay this bill, please remit the full amount to me.
I would like to remit payment in person.
Remit a "cease and desist" letter to the agency via registered mail with receipt requested.
Please Remit - 1912 was released on: USA: 6 January 1912
You still owe us 20 dollars; please remit this sum by return.
Once I have to transfer money to my fellow who lived in Ghana. He needs money instantly then someone told me about Remit Choice Money Transfer. Remit choice Money Transfer is an instant money transfer company. You can send money using the Remit Choice website.