A dike is an intrusive body of volcanic magma that pushes it's way between layers of rocks and sediment.
Here's a link to a site detailing the history of Morro Rock and the remaining Nine Sisters in the volcanic plug chain: http://www.morrobay.com/rock.htm
Acording to Wikipedia there were several signicant events which occurred in 1258. In nature, "one of the largest volcanic eruptions of the Holocene epoch" occurred. Historically, there was the Battle of Baghdad in which Mongol forces overran Baghdad, burning the city to the ground, "killing as many as 1,000,000 citizens." Korea also surrendered to the Mongols in 1258. Also "King Henry III of England" was "forced by seven powerful barons to accept the Provisions of Oxford, effectively ending the absolute monarchy in England by requiring the calling of a parliament." A very important year in history.
There were lots of oracles, but the most famous was at Delphi, where in a cave among the rocks the Pythoness (a sort of medium) would go into a trance and make prophecies. It's possible that fumes from volcanic vents (most of Greece is an earthquake zone) assisted the process. The delphic oracle was famous for prophecies that could be taken either way - as in, 'if you go to war, you will destroy a great empire' - which might, of course, turn out to be your own.
Either World war 1, World war 2, or the atomic bombs in Japan. 2nd Answer: WW I and the bombs were nothing compared with other world disasters. Here are a few: 1. The Black Death, starting in year 1330, killed 75 million people: far, far more than were killed in WW II. 2. Stroggli Island explosion in 1551 BC, was a volcanic event that made the entire Medi terranean island disappear, and caused the entire Minoan civilization to be wiped out. 3. The Yangtze River flood in 1931 killed 3.5 million people, and injured or made homeless at least 51 million more. 4. The Cretacious-Paleogene extinction, likely caused by an asteroid's impact with the Earth 66 million years ago, wiped out all of the non-flying dinosaurs, and at least 75% of other land, air, and ocean animals, along with plant life that they might have survived on by eating them.
The dike Is the part of the volcano formed by an accumlation of volcanic debris
i wish this were the answer ! i am disappointed:(
Lahar is not an intrusive igneous body. Lahar refers to volcanic mudflows composed of volcanic ash and water. Batholith, dike, and stock are all types of intrusive igneous bodies.
A pluton is an igneous rock formation formed beneath the Earth's surface. A dike is a vertical or near-vertical geological formation where magma has intruded into pre-existing rock. A lahar is a type of volcanic mudflow made up of water, ash, and other debris flowing rapidly down the slopes of a volcano. A lava flow is the movement of molten rock on the Earth's surface during a volcanic eruption. Pyroclasts are rock fragments ejected during a volcanic eruption, such as ash, lapilli, and volcanic bombs.
The slab of volcanic rock that is formed when magma forces itself across rock layers is called a dike. This will eventually build into mountains.
How do I get a bigger dike
The address of the Dike Public Library is: 133 E Elder, Dike, 50624 0912
Pumice is not typically found in dike formations. Dikes are igneous rock formations that form from the intrusion of molten rock into cracks within the Earth's crust. Pumice, on the other hand, is a light, porous volcanic rock that forms from frothy lava cooling rapidly above ground.
Dike is 165 cm.
The French word for dike is "diguet".
A dike in a volcano is a vertical or near-vertical fracture that cuts across the rock layers, through which magma can flow to the surface during an eruption. Dikes are essential conduits for magma transport in volcanic systems and can create pathways for lava to reach the surface. They are often associated with volcanic activity and can be observed in volcanic regions around the world.
A dike is a tabular body.