Depends on whether you mean the occupation- shoemaker- or the food- deep dish pie.
Origin: 1250-1300; from the French cobelere,meaning to cobel
another name for spanish forts are presidio. It is in spanish
Another name for enlightenment is EThe Enlightenment is sometimes called the Age of Reason.
"noble ones"
Another word for a cobbler is a "shoemaker."
Another name for a shoemaker, or someone who makes shoes, is a cobbler.
shoe repair man
A shoemaker makes custom shoes and does repairs to good quality footwear.
That could be a 'Shoemaker' or just 'Cobbler'
It means a shoemender.
Cobbler or shoemaker.
The fruit cobbler gets its name from the crispy, buttery crust that is formed when baking which then resembles the cobble-stone streets common to old villages in Europe. Note: In addition to the fruit cobbler, the UK commonly makes a savory cobbler dish, many times made with lamb.