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It means the government. It's in Lingala, a language in DR Comgo

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Q: What is bula matari?
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Why is Bula matari on his grave?

The term "Bula matari" (roughly translated as Breaker of Bones, or Breaker of Rocks) appears on Henry Morgan Stanley's headstone as a reference to his African expedition leadership style. It can be intrepreted that he was a brutal or harsh man.

When was Matari created?

Matari was created in 1975.

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Gula Matari was created in 1970.

What is the airport code for Matari Airport?

The airport code for Matari Airport is IRP.

When was Bula Bula created?

Bula Bula was created in 2005.

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What has the author Isokuma M Bula-Bula written?

Isokuma M. Bula-Bula has written: 'La vie des autres'

Who says bula?

Bula is a word spoken often on the island of Fiji. Bula is short for the phrase "Ni sa bula vinaka," which is a way to express wishes for good health.

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Pheidole bula was created in 2008.

When was I. L. Bula born?

I. L. Bula was born in 1921.

When did Jan Bula die?

Jan Bula died in 1952.

When was Jan Bula born?

Jan Bula was born in 1920.