removing something (for example: when a student is removed from school)
John Milton in Paradise Lost, has Satan saying this quote on his expulsion from Heaven.
They spread out around the eastern and southern states many settling in Louisiana and Mississippi. Cajun Country
There were several significant events that happened in Spain in 1492. The Conquest of Granada and the Edict of Expulsion helped financed the voyage of Christopher Columbus that lead to the discovery of the New World or the Americas.
The Great Deportation (1755-1763), also known as "the Great Acadian Expulsion", took place when the British were worried that the French would rebel against them. They made the Acadians sign an oath of neutrality, and later an oath of allegiance that meant they would fight against the French, their own culture. Many would not sign and were deported from their lands by the British. --- When the Acadians were forced by the British to fight for them in wars against France, they refused. Angered, the British shipped them off to the Thirteen Colonies, and other places in the New World (notably Louisiana). More than 14,000 Acadians were shipped away, and nearly 5000 died in the process.
The British wanted the Acadians to agree to the Oath of Allegiance, which they did to avoid any further complications. But for some reason it didn't get sent back to Britain so the British thought that the Acadians were against them and that is why the British deported them in 1755.
I can not tolerate this Expulsion. I will take my revenge!!
Expulsion - band - ended in 1999.
Expulsion - band - was created in 1988.
The prefix of "expulsion" is "ex-" meaning out or away from. The suffix of "expulsion" is "-sion" indicating a state or condition.
The expulsion of illegal immigrants from Arizona is controversial.
The duration of The Expulsion - film - is 2400.0 seconds.
If the boy got in trouble again, he faced expulsion from school.School expulsion puts added stress on parents.
"The kid who broke a window at school was punished with expulsion."
The Expulsion - film - was created on 1923-10-23.
The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple was created in 1512.
The expulsion of the acadians was NOT legal. The british colonies expelled them anyways.
Because of his behavior, he faced expulsion from school.