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Kandake, also known as Candace, was a title given to queens or queen mothers of the ancient Kingdom of Kush, located in present-day Sudan. The title was used to signify the ruling female monarch's authority and power within the kingdom. The most famous Kandake was Amanirenas, who led military campaigns against the Roman Empire in the 1st century BCE.

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a woman thought to be a goddess or queen mothers. they usally co ruled with their husbands or sons.

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Q: What is kandake?
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What were the queens of kush called?

The queens of Kush were called Kandake.

Who is Kandake Amanirenas?

Kandake Amanirenas, Was A Nuba Queen of Meroe. She is best known for defeating the Romans after a series of broken treaties, and difficult battles, one of which caused her to lose her sight in one eye.

What is a candace?

Candace (also spelled Kandake or Kentake) was a title for queens and queen mothers for the ancient African Kingdom of Kush, now known as Ethiopia.

What actors and actresses appeared in Candace of Meroe - 1999?

The cast of Candace of Meroe - 1999 includes: Grahame Edwards as Herald Mari Ellingson as Kandake Amanirenas

What does queen amanirenas mean?

She was name Kandake Amanirenas who was a queen who had war against King Kush against the romans which had made her lose her eyesight in one eye thats why she has an eye patch.

What is the Hebrew name for Candace?

Candace is not of Hebrew origin so it has no translation in Hebrew. It can be spelled phonetically as קנדסThe name Candace comes from the hereditary title of the queens of Ethiopia, as mentioned in Acts in the New Testament. It is apparently derived from Cushitic kdke meaning "queen mother". In some versions of the Bible it is spelled Kandake, reflecting the Greek spelling Κανδακη.

Who was Amanirenas?

She was an African Queen/Warrior from the Kingdom of Kush. She opposed Rome and overtook Egypt for a short period of time. Although Egypt was recaptured by Rome Amanirenas was able to negotiate a treaty and keep her land and the Kingdom of Kush never paid taxes to Rome.

What is the Italian translation of the English name 'Candace'?

Candace is a loan name in Italian.Specifically, the name nowadays functions as a feminine proper noun. It originates in the Nubian word kandake, which is a title specific to queen mothers and queens in the Kush Empire of ancient Africa. The pronunciation will be "kahn-DAH-tchey" in Italian.

How did Kush rule Egypt?

The Kingdom of Kush or Kush was an ancient Nubian state centered on the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile and River Atbara in what is now the Republic of Sudan.Established after the Bronze Age collapse and the disintegration of the New Kingdom of Egypt, it was centered at Napata in its early phase. After king Kashta ("the Kushite") invaded Egypt in the 8th century BC, the Kushite kings ruled as Pharaohs of the Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt for a century, until they were expelled by Psamtik I in 656 BC.During Classical Antiquity, the Nubian capital was at Meroe. In early Greek geography, the Meroitic kingdom was known as Ethiopia. The Nubian kingdom at Meroe persisted until the 4th century AD, when it fell to the expanding kingdom of Axum.Contents[hide] 1 Name2 Origins3 25th Dynasty of Egypt4 Move to Meroë5 See also6 References7 Sources8 External linksNameKash in hieroglyphs . kꜢšKashThe native name of the Kingdom was likely kaš, recorded in Egyptian as kꜢš.The name Kash is probably connected to Cush in the Hebrew Bible (Hebrew: כוש), son of Ham (Genesis 10:6).The conventional name "kingdom of Kush" was introduced in 19th-century Egyptology.OriginsDuring the New Kingdom of Egypt, Nubia (Kash) was an Egyptian province, governed by the Viceroy of Kush. With the disintegration of the New Kingdom around 1070 BCE, Kashbecame an independent kingdom centered at Napata.[2] The Kushites buried their monarchs along with all their courtiers in mass graves. Archaeologists refer to these practices as the "Pan-grave culture".[3] The Kushites also built burial mounds and pyramids, and shared some of the same gods worshiped in Egypt, especially Ammon and Isis.25th Dynasty of EgyptMain article: Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt Maximum extent of Kush in 700 BCSudan Meroe Pyramids - UNESCO World Heritage[4].World HeritageIn Ancient Egypt, Libyan princes had taken control of the delta under Shoshenq I in 945 BCE, founding the so-called Libyan or Bubastite dynasty that would rule for some 200 years. Sheshonq also gained control of southern Egypt by placing his family members in important priestly positions. However, Libyan control began to erode as a rival dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened from the south. Around 727 BCE the Kushite king Piye invaded northward, seizing control of Thebes and eventually the Delta.[5] His dynasty, the Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt, continued until about 653 BCE. The 25th dynasty was based at Napata, in what is now The Sudan. Alara is universally regarded as the founder of the 25th Kushite dynasty by his successors. The power of the 25th Dynasty reached a climax under the pharaohs Piye and Taharka.Pharaoh Taharka spent half his time as ruler of Egypt restoring its earlier cultural achievements while also fending off Assyrian power in the east. In 674 BCE, he defeated an invading Assyrian army under the leadership of Esarhaddon. Three years later, he would be defeated in three battles that would force Kush out of Egypt altogether. Why the Kushites chose to enter Egypt at this crucial point of foreign domination is subject to debate. Archaeologist Timmothy Kendall offers his own hypotheses, connecting it to a claim of legitimacy associated with Gebel Barkal.[6] Kendall cites the stele of Pharaoh Piye, which states that "Amun of Napata granted me to be ruler of every foreign country," and "Amun in Thebes granted me to be ruler of the Black Land (Kmt)". Noteworthy is that according to Kendall, "foreign lands" in this regard seems to include Lower Egypt while Kmt seems to refer to a united Upper Egypt and Nubia.[7]Move to MeroëAspelta moved the capital to Meroë, considerably farther south than Napata, possibly in 591 BCE. [8] Historians believe it was the attraction of iron working that drove the Kushites to move their capital south to Meroë where, unlike at Napata, there were large forests that could fire the blast furnaces. The arrival of Greek merchants throughout the region also meant that Kush was no longer dependent on trade along the Nile. Instead, it could export its goods to the Red Sea and the Greek trading colonies there. The Kushites used the animal-driven water wheel to increase productivity and create a surplus, particularly during the Napatan-Meroitic Kingdom.[9]In about 300 BCE the move to Meroë was made more complete when the monarchs began to be buried there, instead of at Napata. One theory is that this represents the monarchs breaking away from the power of the priests at Napata. Diodorus Siculus tells a story about a Meroitic ruler named Ergamenes who was ordered by the priests to kill himself, but broke tradition and had the priests executed instead. Ergamenes may refer to the first ruler to be buried at Meroë with a similar name such as Arqamani,[10] who ruled many years after the royal cemetery was opened at Meroë. Another theory is that the capital had always been based at Meroë. During this same period, Kushite authority may have extended some 1,500 km along the Nile River valley from the Egyptian frontier in the north to areas far south of modern Khartoum and probably also substantial territories to the east and west.[11]Kushite civilization continued for several centuries. In the Napatan Period Egyptian hieroglyphs were used: at this time writing seems to have been restricted to the court and temples.[12] From the 2nd century BC there was a separate Meroitic writing system.[12] This was an alphabetic script with 23 signs used in a hieroglyphic form (mainly on monumental art) and in a cursive form.[12] The latter was widely used; so far some 1278 texts using this version are known (Leclant 2000). The script was deciphered by Griffith, but the language behind it is still a problem, with only a few words understood by modern scholars.[12] It is not as yet possible to connect the Meroitic language with other known languages.[12]Strabo describes a war with the Romans in the 1st century BC. After the initial victories of Kandake (or "Candace") Amanirenas against Roman Egypt, the Kushites were defeated and Napata sacked.[13] Remarkably, the destruction of the capital of Napata was not a crippling blow to the Kushites and did not frighten Candace enough to prevent her from again engaging in combat with the Roman military. Indeed, it seems that Petronius's attack might have had a revitalizing influence on the kingdom. Just three years later, in 22 BCE, a large Kushite force moved northward with intention of attacking Qasr Ibrim. Alerted to the advanced, Petronius again marched south and managed to reach Qasr Ibrim and bolster its defences before the invading Kushites arrived. Although the ancient sources give no description of the ensuing battle, we know that at some point the Kushites sent ambassadors to negotiate a peace settlement with Petronius. By the end of the second campaign, however, Petronius was in no mood to deal further with the Kushites.[14] The Kushites succeeded in negotiating a peace treaty on favourable terms.[13]