If they have never taken out a loan, credit card, or anything else, there is no credit history. You should start building credit while in college - small credit cards and student loans are good ways.
Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the 1980s and 1990s
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statical history. (history with statistics)
no, Alexander P. Kurk invented the washing machine in 1983
A MRI machine may need maintenance. When the machine gets so old it can cause it to break.
It is one thing to engineer or build a machine, it is totally different thing to keep the machine running a its best. Maintenance is the work that keeps things running and finds future problems before the problem stop the machine running at all. Maintenance is also fixing problems that stop the machine so the machine can be restarted
Machine weights require little or no maintenance at all.
Care history
mechanic machine tool maintenance
as mechanical maintenance engineer following responsibility 1.doing preventive maintenance and keep machine condition good as possible. 2.finding machine requirement in running condition 3.attend machine breakdown and find the route course of same 4.check machine all spare parts and constable items stock as required.
You must monitor your machine from time to time. You could use visual inspection, or some other methods depending on machine. Most popular methods for rotating machinery are vibrodiagnostics, oil anlysis and proactive maintenance,
The work that goes into a machine is typically referred to as maintenance. This can involve regular inspections, cleaning, lubricating, and repairing any worn or damaged parts to ensure that the machine functions properly and efficiently. Regular maintenance helps to extend the lifespan of the machine and prevent breakdowns.
play the machine
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If a machine is properly maintained then it will remain operational. I prefere the job description operations and maintainance.
Any of the dual-headed Radeon 2400-2600 cards should work fine. Size the OS with what you want the machine to do, a sever is what it is, not a gaming machine.