pasterization is where food is heated to a certain temperature to keep it fresh.
Louis Pasteur
Pasteurization is a process used to prevent bacterial growth in food and slow spoilage. It involves heating liquid to a specific temperature and then cooling it rapidly.
Pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur who discovered that spoilage organisms could be inactivated in wine by applying heat at temperatures below its boiling point. The process was later applied to milk.
Louis Pasteur discovered pasteurization in the 19th century while researching ways to prevent spoilage in wine and beer. He found that heating liquids to a certain temperature for a specific period of time could kill harmful bacteria and prolong the shelf life of the products.
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist known for his discoveries in the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. He is best known for developing the process of pasteurization, which involves heating liquids to kill bacteria and prevent spoilage. His work laid the foundation for the field of microbiology and helped revolutionize medicine and food safety.
First you keep the cows and all milking equipment clean.After milking the collected milk should be pasteurized, which uses high temperatures to kill microorganisms that might still contaminate the milk.
The simple answer is -- it's not. Milk as a remedy or first aid for neavy metal poisoning is at best a wive's tale.As there are a LOT of heavy metals, and dosage, route of exposure, size and weight of the victim, and many other factors apply to this question, there is no single first aid solution for this problem that applies generally (Source US Poison Control 1-800-222-1222, CDC, et al.).Treatment is usually through administration of chelating agents that scavenge the metal from hemo-proteins.AnswerProteins can be denatured (distorted) in shape) by heat, alcohol, acids, bases, or the salts of heavy metals...... Many well known poisons are salts of heavy metals like mercury and silver; these denature the protein strands wherever they touch them. The common first aid antidote for swallowing a heavy metal poison is to drink milk. The poison then acts on the protein of the milk rather than on the protein sites and tissues of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Vomiting can be induced to expel the poison that has combined with the milk. Source: Chapter 6 The Proteins and Amino Acids p.184 Nutrition - Concepts & Controversies Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer & Ellie Whitney 10th edition Copyright 2006 Thomson WadsworthNot any milk only healthy raw milk binds with mercury and then it expelles out of body, commercial pasteurized milk is useless since the proteins are damaged due to pasterization and dont react with mercury poison.
The person who originally answered did not know the meaning of "cost effective" and needs to get off his/her high-horse.America has lots of cows and lots of people to drink milk. Therefore it is feasible to only pasteurize milk and not fully sterilize it. Sterlizing milk kills not only bad bacteria, but good as well, including active bacterias such as acidophilus which aid in digestion. It also kills many other vitamins in the milk. America has the dairy farms, shipping, and ample refrigeration to keep the milk fresh long enough to drink with only pasterization. Countries/areas that are much larger, that have fewer cows, or do not have the infrastructure to ship/store milk for long periods of time (like China, Alaska, and much of Europe) must sterilize the milk in order for it to keep. The original "answer-giver" was also mistaken in saying that coffee creams "are just as tasty if not more so, since they are actually more pure." It is tasty because it it has a very high sugar content.AnswerIt's more cost effective for dairy farmers to release the product in such a condition that it will not last long. Small packages of coffee cream and some other dairy products actually are sterilized. They are just as tasty if not more so, since they are actually more pure. Honestly, it's an outrage.