Puritans were very minimalist and always wore black. Romantics were extravagant and colourful. Romantics liked art and poetry whereas puritans opposed it.
The dawning of a new era of freedom, equality, and brotherhood it what it represented to many Romantics.
inner feelings
the value of the individual
The romantics were oppressed by the french monarchy, thus with its downfall and its replacement by a republic the romantics were allowed much more liberty in their publications and such. WebRep currentVote noRating noWeight
Catholics is the universal church of Christ while Romantic refers to the characteristic of romance.
one sucked and the other sucked even more.
The poem insists that the best way to view the world is through the heart and not the mind. The Romantics believed that science could not teach as much about the world as nature could.
Romantics celebrated nature, while Realists wanted to show industrial life as it was for everyday people.
Romantics celebrated nature, while Realists wanted to show industrial life as it was for everyday people.
Romantics celebrated nature, while Realists wanted to show industrial life as it was for everyday people.
Romantics celebrated nature, while Realists wanted to show industrial life as it was for everyday people.
Romantics celebrated nature, while Realists wanted to show industrial life as it was for everyday people.
A ship used by the Purtians to come to establish a colony. There were 61 Purtians from the same Yorkshire village.
Fast Romantics was created in 2007.
Romantics Anonymous was created in 2010.