At this time in history the helmet was called a cupon or the hat of iron and sttel because of how it could protect your head.
elizabethan elizabethan
I and U are missing from the Elizabethan alphabet.
If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.
The item that was over an Elizabethan bed was the spheres/balls.
Elizabethan Privateers are people who trade for Queen Elizabeth. They are the ones who go on trading ships and trade for her. They trade for things such as land.
It was called a European close helmet usually used in jousting during the 15th century.
There is no typical name for it besides helmet, but it can also be called an equestrian helmet
A English name to say helmet?
ummmm a hussars helmet Actually the name and origin were taken from the Germans and called a pappenheim helmet.
Helmet = Cassis
M1917 Brodie helmet
Nothing. The Globe theatre was one of the Elizabethan theatres. Think of "Elizabethan" as a time or type, not an actual theatre with that name.
It is an armet. Early Italian military helmet
Elizabethan period.
Shakespeare wrote lots of plays not one of which was named "elizabethan age". The time he lived in was called the Elizabethan Age after Queen Elizabeth 1st.
They are the same. "Brody Helmet" is the name it is known by in the UK. In the US it is the M1917.
It got its name from Queen Elizabeth the 1st