it organizes long periods of time into eras based on their similiar characteristic
it gives impression the event happend at a particular time was the only event
Answer: The most important advantage of periodization is that it appears in clear concepts that provide acceptable terms for periods of time with moderately durable characteristics. A period of history is a particular time span including general features.
Answer: The most important advantage of periodization is that it appears in clear concepts that provide acceptable terms for periods of time with moderately durable characteristics. A period of history is a particular time span including general features.
I think it's helpful 🙂
James Mill divided history according to the religion or view of the most dominant and powerful ruler in India at the time. The problem with the periodization of James Mill is that he only looks at Indian history from the view point of the rulers, and doesn't think about the views of the people.
History is boaring and a subject to the old
Black history Demographic history Ethnic history Gender history History of childhood History of education History of the family Labour history LGBT history Rural history Urban history American urban history Women's history Cultural history replaced social history as the dominant form in the 1980s and 1990s
History Of Whores History Of Blowjobs History Of Fisting History Of Anal History Of Swallowing Cum There You Have It =)
statical history. (history with statistics)
Periodization refers to categorizing periods of history by name. Some examples of named periods of history include the Middle Ages, Gothic, and Baroque.
Periodisation (in relation to training) is the different parts in the training programme.
The periodization of history of India has different elements. The period of 1500 - 1000 BC was called the Vedic period. The period of 322 - 187 BC was called the Mauryan period.
James Mill divided history according to the religion or view of the most dominant and powerful ruler in India at the time. The problem with the periodization of James Mill is that he only looks at Indian history from the view point of the rulers, and doesn't think about the views of the people.
i have know idea.
the sources of modern history of India were the literary sources like manuscripts,scrolls , books ,important documents etc.;the second would be archaeological sources and monuments and the third would be other sources like printing machine,photographs, broadcasts etc.
it china an advantage in war
he dstortized history by having more authority
written historical records can be preserved even after every person who has read them has died.
written historical records can be preserved even after every person who has read them has died.
Periodization is an organized approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specific period of time. PERIODISATIONS ARE - ANCIENT , MEDIEVAL , MODERN .
so that doctors can take advantage of previous knowledge of success and failure