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you think im big meech lary hoover rip and work holaluya

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Q: What is the anglo-saxon for 'good health unto you'?
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Who invented the language?

Anglosaxon and latin

What was a function the public recital of poetry in the AngloSaxon and Scandinavian cultures?

what the fu**

In AngloSaxon poetry the term wave walker would be an example of what?


Do anglosaxon children go to school?

no they dont because schools did not exist

AngloSaxon poetry the term wave walker would be an example of what?


Is there a story which tells the importance of do unto others as you would have them do unto you?

Yes. The Parable of good Samaritan. See link below.

Was kenning a characteristic associated with Anglo-Saxon poetry?

Yes, it was a way of combining words to make metaphors. There is a good explanation here:

The AngloSaxon root ward as used in the English word warden is best defined by which of the following?

Guard or protect :D

Among the most valued attributes a person could possess in AngloSaxon culture were courage resourcefulness and what?

skill in combat

How do you cantact spirits?

If the spirit is good, you will have to call unto God.

Is it good for health?

no its not good for health

A person with all good qualities?

A universal good is do unto others as you would have them do unto you------------a list of good qualities or principals-----empathy-trust-loyalty-honest-loving kind-forgiving-industrious----this should fit into most society's---------tgb