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Q: What is the area south of the equator called?
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The area of calm at the equator is called?

The Doldrums are from the equator to about 10o north and south of it. The Doldrums should not be confused with the Horse Latitudes which are about 30o north and south of the equator.

What is the area below the equator to the south pole called?

The Southern Hemisphere.

Is South America (1) north of the equator (2) south of equator (3) both north and south of the equator?

The answer is (3). There is a small area of South America that is north of the Equator, the major part is south of the Equator.

Is the Mediterranean area North or south of the equator?

North of the Equator

What is the south equator called?

The areas south of the equator are known as the "southern hemisphere."

What is the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere?

Areas north of the equator is called Northern Hemisphere and the area south of the equator is called Southern Hemisphere This answer was provided to you by: Yahoo Mail Service

Is most of South America north or south of the equater?

Most of South America is south of the equator.South of the equator

What is the area around the equator where trade winds meet called?

The area around the equator where trade winds meet are called

Area immediately north and south of the equator?

The area immediately north and south of the equator is known as the tropics. This region experiences a warm climate year-round and is characterized by lush tropical forests, diverse wildlife, and a high level of biodiversity. The Tropic of Cancer lies to the north of the equator, while the Tropic of Capricorn lies to the south.

What windless area is near the equator?

It's an area in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans called the "Doldrums." It is a low pressure area along the equator caused when all the hot air along the equator rises very high and flows North or South. Eventually it comes back down in the horse latitudes, about 30 to 36 degrees North and South of the equator.Also, if you wanna know what is just the "area near the equator" alone, it is the tropical zone.

On which side of the Equator is South America?

Most of the area of South America is south of the equator but Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana (France) are north of the equator, as are most of Colombia and parts of Brazil and Ecuador.

Is Asia north or south?

The area called Asia is a large land mass. It starts at Greece and goes east to Japan south to Indonesia and north to Siberia. most of Asia is north of the equator but some is south - parts of Indonesia.