An important one. In happened at Tours, France. Europe was in the darkest of the dark ages, very disorganized and poor. Islam, a hundred years after their Prophet's death, was a vigorous and aggressive army, carrying all before it. Muslims conquered the native peoples of North Africa, swept through Spain, destroying the Chirstian kingdoms there, and plunged deep into France, set on conquest of all Europe.
At Tours, they were met by a determined force of Franks, led by Charles Martel ("The Hammer") and turned back. It was the "high-water mark" for Islam in the West, although it would be another seven and a half centuries (untill 1492) that they were finally expelled from Spain.
The Battle of Gravelines was two battles that both occurred in 1558. The first Battle of Gravelines was fought on July 13, 1558, at Gravelines, near Calais, France, Spain defeated France. In August, 1558, the Spanish Armada was defeated by the English.
The Black Prince (Edward of Woodstock) defeated the French on September 19, 1356, in the battle of Poitiers.
At the Battle of Tours; a Christian army commanded by Charles Martel defeated an invading Muslim army commanded by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafqi.
Remember this saying, "In 732 at the battle of Tours, Charles Martel defeated the Moors." He was king of the Franks.
It was important as it stopped the spread of Islam (the Muslim belief) and let Christianity continue flourishing. If not for the Christians winning, the primary religion of the United States would be Islam.
Battle of Tours,France .
The Muslim forces at the Battle of Tours were from the Caliphate of the Umayyad dynasty.
He defeated the Muslim invaders at the Battle of Tours.
What is now Spain and Portugal was captured by Muslim armies starting in 711 AD. Most of the area became the Emirate of Córdoba. The farthest Muslim advance was the Battle of Poitiers in 732 AD. Poitiers is now in central France. The last Muslim state on the peninsula (the kingdom of Granada) was defeated in 1491.
He defeated the armies of Calakmul in battle.
The Battle of Tours was a battle in Poitiers, France wherein Spanish moors were defeated by an army commanded by Charles Martel (Frankish Christian). The battle was on October 10, 732 which also put a stop on the Muslim attacks in the west part of Europe.
NovaNet answer----->>>> FRANCE
The Battle of Puebla. Mexico defeated France.
It is called in English 'the battle of Tours', but known in France as 'the battle of Poitiers'.
In spite of the outnumber of muslim army, was defeated by the union of christians kingdoms. This battler marked the beginning of spain and the final of Muslim caliphate. Also known as: The battle of five armies or the charge of three kings. Christians kingdoms: Castille, Aragon,Navarre, Portugal: Garrison of 70.000 men. Muslim Caliphate: 150.000 men.
Charles "The Hammer" Martel defeated the Muslim army in 732 at the Battle of Tours (France), allowing Christianity to survive in Western Europe.
Alexander the Great and his Macedonians defeated the Persian armies of Darius III at Gaugamela.