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Prosimians are different from monkeys in that they prefer to eat meat and are considered to be predators. They also prefer to hunt at night. Monkeys prefer to eat fruits and like to forage for food during the day.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Prosimians are pretty small relative to the Anthropoids. Anthropoids have fused skulls while the prosimians do not. The orbit (eye socket) is open in the prosimians, closed in anthropoids. Anthropoids have nails, while the prosimians have a grooming claw on the index finger of the hind foot. (The rest of the digits have nails.) The prosimians' teeth are also different; The incisors are almost horizontal in prosimians, and this is called the grooming comb because they use it to groom. Some species also use it for feeding; gouging into trees to get gum or insects.

This answer was found on a taxonomy website.

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